Category: Ear Piercings

Home » Ear Piercings
Best Antibacterial Soap For Piercings

8 Best Antibacterial Soap For Piercings Aftercare

Do you have a new piercing? If that’s the case, it’s critical to have an antibacterial soap for piercings. We recommend using the best antibacterial soap for piercings. Cleaning your face with a mild, natural cleanser like this one is also beneficial for reducing the risk of infection. This is especially important if you are...

How To Treat An Infected Tragus Piercing

How To Treat An Infected Tragus Piercing?

Ear piercings are arguably the most famous and popular type of body piercing. There is a huge chunk of the human population globally that has some piercings on their bodies. This raises the question of having proper methods for piercings and prudent standards. Unfortunately, people usually avoid all the advised preventive measures, leading to infections...

How Long Does It Take for an Ear Piercing to Close Up

How Long Does It Take for an Ear Piercing to Close Up?

Pro-tip: if you’re unsure about something, always consult a professional! Many people choose to get their ears pierced at a young age and then let the holes close up naturally over time. Others may have their ears pierced as adults and need to know how long it will take for the holes to close should...